HOLTEK MINI KIT – The new MCU series facilitates product development and testing
In the context of a chip market with insufficient supply, EPI Vietnam Technologies introduces readers to a chip line from HOLTEK, a manufacturer based in Taiwan, designed in the form of a mini KIT with an attached peripheral configuration tool to facilitate user development and testing.

Main MCU:
HT32F52230 Core ARM M0+
Flash/Ram: 32KB/4KB
Peripherals: 2xUART, 1xI2C, 1xSPI, 8 channels ADC 12-bit, 19 IO, 4xTimer
Frequency: 40MHz
Package: 24SSOP
Powered via micro USB
Integrated USB to UART
Standard SWD code programming
IDE: KeilC
- EPI provides free sample chips and mini KITs.
- Access to new MCU line with technical support from EPI and the manufacturer.
- Configuration tools and sample code make it easy for users to access and develop products.
- IDE used with KeilC/IAR, code programming through the familiar SWD standard (usually with j-link) for users.
EPI Vietnam Technologies – Authorized Distributor of HOLTEK in Vietnam
– Email: info@epi-tech.com.vn
– Tel: +84 2462 817448
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