EPI Vietnam Technologies Announces Distribution Agreement with Tallysman

EPI Vietnam Technologies Announces Distribution Agreement with Tallysman
Sep 22nd 2020, EPI Vietnam Technologies Co., Ltd today announced that it has become Tallysman’s authorized distributor in Vietnam.
Tallysman® , based in Ottawa Canada, is a developer, manufacturer, and provider of GNSS, Iridium and Globalstar antennas and accessories in support of our customers who are engaged in a broad range of satellite-based positioning, navigation, and data applications.
Tallysman is known for its Accutenna® and VeraPhase® technology, as well as its recently introduced VeroStarTM and Helical innovations. These technologies have proven themselves to provide the highest performance antennas (low axial ratios, high multi-path signal rejection, tight PCV) in their size and weight, while setting lower economical price points. Tallysman’s antennas are the antennas of choice for a wide variety of applications.
For more information, visit: https://www.tallysman.com/ or contact EPI for further support.
E: info@epi-tech.com.vn
T: +84 2462 817448
W: www.epi-tech.com.vn